Friday, November 29, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Tips for a Clean and Minimal Online Store Design

What better way to showcase your products than by giving them the stage?
This is the concept behind a growing trend in e-commerce web design – going minimal.
In the past many online stores took the opposite approach to design. Sites were often cluttered with information, fonts and colors were overwhelming, and sites were quite simply “over-designed”.
Now, many sites are ditching models, crazy colors and fonts, and fancy photography for the simplistic style of just showcasing their products. It’s a trend that is taking over much of the web (not just e-commerce) with the emergence of responsive design models. More designers are embracing the trend that simpler can be better, while focusing on readability and usability.
The result is a better experience for online shoppers, with cleaner interfaces, text that is easier to read and interfaces that are simpler, faster and more user-friendly. This trend is about more than just design, it creates a better overall experience.
Think about the success of Apple and its online store. Simple and direct can equal sales. Here, we take a look at the trend, companies that are doing it well and tips for making it work for you.

The Trend

More and more companies are ditching lots of color, models and movement on their websites in favor of more minimal design schemes.
Background patterns are more subtle — or have been ditched completely in favor of a simple black or white background — typography is simple and direct and photography of products is emphasized. But why?
Using a simple design scheme allows a brand to show off its products. There is no guessing what is being sold because everything is clearly defined. This counteracts the movement of the past where brands pushed a certain type of lifestyle or feel over the actual products.
This type of scheme can be less costly. There are no models to pay and with a simple background less pre-design work. A little studio lighting and good photography is all you need to get started.
Focusing less on super-complicated design can give companies more time to focus on the user experience. The top concern for an e-commerce site after all is sales. A site must function well, load quickly and make it easy for customers to find what they want and make a purchase.

E-commerce Design Tips

Aim for dynamic display. Don’t just copy another site. What makes your product unique and special? Play it up in the display.
Your site needs to be readable. Typefaces should be simple and clear. Item numbers, sizes, colors and prices need to be clearly stated and visible. And don’t forget notations for sales or checking out – labeling should be a top priority.
Photography should be direct for product images. Don’t use odd angles or unusual lighting. Shoppers want to see items as clearly as possible. Make sure your photography reflects that. Every photo should be a perfectly accurate representation of the actual item.
Make sure your site is easy to move around and navigate. If it is slow to load or too complicated, shoppers will back away. Include sales and information about your company. Let shoppers know why you are special, unique and deserving of their money.
Every element should be sharp and planned. If an image is subpar or blurry, don’t use it. If a design element works against your product, opt for another technique.
Make shopping easy and fun. The surprise of a site might bring shoppers in but you have to keep them there so if you use a fun gimmick, make subsequent pages easy to navigate and use.

8 Sites Doing it Well

Le Coq Sportif: With a focus on the catalog, you can see a variety of products without having to click a lot. This is great for undecided shoppers and those impulse buyers.

Visual Supply: Super simple format is striking with each product clearly labeled. The red outline around each product as you hover is a nice touch.

Ditto: Glasses made interesting. Because of the simple nature of the product (and site design) it almost feels as if you are comparing items side-by-side.

Neve/Hawk: Simple does not have to be boring. This company uses a great neutral color scheme and simple photography to showcase each item. (They have a pretty dynamic landing page as well.)

Narwhal Co.: The images grab you immediately. They are sharp and colorful. A good, strong image will draw you in every time.

Callaway Golf: Great mood photography sets the tone for each product line, but then products are allowed to stand alone. Images are framed in the same manner from product to product for easy comparison.

MANKINDdog: Great images steal the show. Every product looks spectacular, making the story feel very unique.

Incase: This company does a great job of promotion options without the site feeling cluttered or bulky. Simple photography with buttons that show shoppers what else might be available.


This is a trend that needs to stick around.
Clean design is a great thing. It is even better that companies are really using the concept to showcase what they have to offer.
Putting products against simple backgrounds works well for a number of reasons, but it simply gives the product room to speak for itself and for the consumer to really get a good feel for an item before making a purchase.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

effective web design anatomy

ddSlick jquery plugin


A free light weight jQuery plugin that allows you to create a custom drop down with images and description.
What is so cool about this plugin!
  • Adds images and description to otherwise boring drop downs.
  • Allows JSON to populate the drop down options.
  • Converts your HTML select element to ddSlick.
  • Uses Minimum css and no external stylesheets to download.
  • Supports callback functions on selection.
  • Works as good even without images or description!

Why is this plugin useful

With traditional drop downs i.e. using you are limited to only text and value. But with this easily configurable jquery plugin, you can now create a custom drop down that can very well include images, a short description, along with your usual text and value. Take a look at the following demos in action.

How to use with JSON data

  1. Include the plugin javascript file along with jquery:
  2. Create an empty placeholder for the custom drop down: eg:
  3. Get the drop down options (JSON Data) to be binded to plugin:
    //Dropdown plugin data
    var ddData = [
            text: "Facebook",
            value: 1,
            selected: false,
            description: "Description with Facebook",
            imageSrc: ""
            text: "Twitter",
            value: 2,
            selected: false,
            description: "Description with Twitter",
            imageSrc: ""
            text: "LinkedIn",
            value: 3,
            selected: true,
            description: "Description with LinkedIn",
            imageSrc: ""
            text: "Foursquare",
            value: 4,
            selected: false,
            description: "Description with Foursquare",
            imageSrc: ""
  4. Attach plugin to this placeholder like:
        selectText: "Select your preferred social network",
        onSelected: function(selectedData){
            //callback function: do something with selectedData;
    Note: Use onSelected callback function to do something after the drop down option is selected. The selectedData will contain the selected text, value, description, imageSrc.

How to use with HTML

  1. Include the plugin javascript file along with jquery:
  2. Add HTML5 data attributes to your select elements: eg:
  3. Attach plugin to this HTML select element:
        onSelected: function(selectedData){
            //callback function: do something with selectedData;

Plugin Options:

  • data default value '[]'
    JSON data to populate drop down plugin options
  • width default value '260'
    Width in px for the drop down plugin i.e. 400, or "400px".
  • height default value 'null'
    Height in px for the drop down options i.e. 300, or "300px". The scroller will automatically be added if options overflows the height.
  • background default value '#eee'
    Background for your drop down. You can use the css shorthand notation for setting backgrounds
    i.e. background: #CCCCCC; or background: transparent url('your-background-image.jpg') no-repeat 0 0 scroll
  • selectText default value 'Select...'
    Set default text to display when no option is selected.
  • imagePosition default value 'left'
    Set positioning of image in your drop down, left or right. See demo 5 above.
  • showSelectedHTML default value 'true'
    Set what to be displayed as selected. Setting false will only display title. Setting true displays title, description and image.
  • defaultSelectedIndex default value 'null'
    Set the default index to be selected when initializing plugin. If not provided then selectText will be displayed. See demo 4 above.
  • truncateDescription default value 'true'
    Truncate the long description when selected. Options however display the full text. The plugin still returns complete description on selection. See demo 6 above.
  • onSelected default value 'function () { }'
    Callback function when an option is selected in the drop down. See demo 3 above.
  • keepJSONItemsOnTop default value 'false'
    You can use both HTML select elements and JSON data to populate your drop down. By default JSON items are added in drop down after the select options.

Plugin Methods:

  • select
    You may use plugin's select method like $('#demoSetSelected').ddslick('select', {index: i });
    to select a particular index. See demo 3 above.
  • select
    You may use plugin's open method like $('#demoSetSelected').ddslick('open');
    to open drop down options.
  • close
    You may use plugin's close method like $('#demoSetSelected').ddslick('close');
    to close drop down options.
  • destroy
    You may use plugin's destroy method to restore to original element like $('#demoSetSelected').ddslick('destroy');
    If you had selected an option with ddSlick, the selected attribute will be passed to the original HTML select, so you don't loose the selection. This will also unbind any event handlers attached by plugin to this control. See demo 2 above.

hovercard jQuery UI Framework Plugins


A free light weight jQuery plugin that enables you to display related information with the hovered label, link, or any html element of your choice.
What is so cool about this plugin!
  • Smoothly fades the name into a hovered card (in place).
  • Uses minimum css and no external stylesheets to download.
  • Full control over html to be displayed.
  • Comes with built in Twitter and Facebook hovercard.
  • Supports callback functions on hover in and hover out.
  • New! Auto adjust on the edges of viewport.
When should you use hovercard:
A hovercard comes handy when displaying Person bio, Book author and price, Loading related information with Ajax, Editing in place, and what not! Check out the following demos to see some of this stuff in action :) 

How to use:

Following is a very basic example of how to use hovercard. You can also check out live demos with the source for each.


jQuery by  is a cross-browser JS library
designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It was released 
in January of 2006 at BarCamp NYC. Used by over 46% of the 10,000 most 
visited websites, it's the most popular JavaScript library in use today.

                        //plugin script---

Plugin Options:

  • width default value 300
    Width in px for the hovercard i.e. 400, or 400px.
  • openOnLeft default value false
    By default hovercard tries to expand towards right. And If there isn't enough available viewport on right, the plugin adjusts itself to open on left. Set 'openOnLeft' to true if want the hovercard to always open on left. See demo 2.
  • openOnTop default value false
    By default hovercard tries to expand towards bottom. And If there isn't enough available viewport on below, the plugin adjusts itself to open on top. Set 'openOnTop' to true if want the hovercard to always open on top. See demo on jsFiddle.
  • cardImgSrc default value ''
    The hovercard has an optional placeholder for one default image with a width of 70px. This image is positioned on top right for hovercard opening on right, and top left for hovercard opening on left.
  • detailsHTML default value ''
    You can write any html markup (with your classes or ids) for your hovercard details. Or even a simple string would do! There will be no styles added by the plugin to this section of html. This gives you the flexibility to use the hovercard for anything you want. Make it an in place editor, use ajax, show tweets, flicker images etc. This is your html, do whatever! See demo 5 and 6.
  • background default value '#ffffff'
    Background for your hovercard. You can use the css shorthand notation for setting backgrounds
    i.e. background: #CCCCCC; or background: transparent url('your-background-image.jpg') no-repeat 0 0 scroll;
  • onHoverIn default value function () { }
    Callback function when you hover in over the label (or any element) you are using hovercard for. See demo 4.
  • onHoverOut default value function () { }
    Callback function when you are hovered out from the hovercard. See demo 4.
  • ---- Following options are available with version 2.0 and onwards ----
  • showTwitterCard default value false
    Displays a built in twitter card format for a twitter screenname. Maximum 150 twitter lookup per hour. The plugin only makes one twitter request (when first hovered) for each hovercard, avoiding subsequent lookups. See demo 8.
    Note: When using TwitterCard or FacebookCard with detailsHTML, Twitter or Facebook profile data is added before details HTML.
  • twitterScreenName default value ''
    Twitter screen name for the hovercard. See demo 8.


    Alternatively you can provide the username by adding a 'data-hovercard' attribute with the hovered label/link etc. Recommended when using multiple twitter/facebook hovercard on your page. Using data-hovercard will be as easy as this example:
class="hoverme" > Prashant Chaudhary . data-hovercard="barackobama" class="hoverme" > Barack Obama . $(".hoverme").hovercard({ showTwitterCard: true }); *Suggested by
If no username/screenname or data-hovercard is provided, hovercard attempts to look up for hovered text.
  • showFacebookCard default value false
    Displays a built in facebook card format for a facebook username/pages/events etc. Works best with Facebook pages. See demo 7.
  • facebookUserName default value ''
    Facebook username/id/page/event/group/etc. for the hovercard. See demo 7.
    Like twitterScreename, you can also provide the facebook username by adding a 'data-hovercard' attribute with the hovered label/link etc. Read data-hovercard details under twitterScreenName option.
    If no username/pagename/id/etc. is provided either by data-hovercard or in options, hovercard attempts to look up for hovered text.
  • showCustomCard default value false
    You may now add your own custom data source and display the profile data using existing card format. Couple of ways to use this:
    1. Either provide the attribute data-hovercard with hovered label/link to get the complete qualified url (including username) returning JSON.
  • class="hoverme" > User with id 911! $('.hoverme').hovercard({ showCustomCard: true }); Note: The remote data url should return the specific JSON format as shown in the next example.
  • Or you can also provide a local json data as customCardJSON to display the card.
    //Required JSON format with both local or remote data source:
    var myProfile = {
        "name": "My profie name",
        "image": "url_for_my_profile_image.jpg", 
        "link": "", 
        "bio": "My bio or short description here",
        "website": "", 
        "email": ""
        showCustomCard: true, 
        customCardJSON: myProfile
    Check this working example of showCustomCard on jsFiddle.

  • customCardJSON default value { }
    Provide the local json data to display with showCustomCard. See showCustomCard explanation on how to use this.
  • delay default value 0
    Add a delay in hovercard appearance. *Suggested by
  • autoAdjust default value true
    Turn off the plugin's auto adjustment feature. *Requested by Ben Vernon
  • *Wordpress users: Read how to use this plugin on your wordpress blog in 5 easy steps.

    Monday, November 11, 2013

    New Twitter Design with CSS and JQuery.

    Step 1
    First create a DIV element with attribute ID value container. The layar contains of two DIV elements attribute class values right and left.
    New Twitter Design

    Step 2
    Now create a panel-frame DIV element inside the container DIV. This layer contain a DIV element attribute class value panel (sliding or rolling).
    New Twitter Design


    Step 3
    Here the final HTML code ready. Now using jQuery to sliding or rolling the

    HTML Code

    // Right part

    "> #" class="close">Close
    // jquery id

    //Left Part
    // Message display here
    " id="1">1
    " id="2">2

    New Twitter Design
    $(".block").click(function(){})- block is the class name of DIV tag. Using $(this).attr('id') - calling DIV tag ID value.

    margin:0 auto;
    border:solid 1px #999999;
    width:350px; min-height:300px;
    float:right; width:350px;
    border:solid 1px #999999;

    A Quick-Start Guide to build an iPhone app for the Non-Techies

    So you are an iPhone fanatic and your life revolves around the iPhone. You fidget around with the chunk of ceramic glass all day long boasting of the different apps you have on your handset. But have you ever tried to develop one of those apps which can run in your system? Even if you are a non tech-person making an app for the iPhone is quite easy.
    The first thing which is required for the development of the app is the idea. If you are that much an iPhone enthusiast, you sit down with the pen and paper and jot down the things which are coming in your mind about the apps.
    Now you might have the idea which might be at par with the next Apple Siri or the Instagram, but there is a slight bit of a problem- You don’t have a feeble idea about what programming is. Now fear not, iPhone lovers, as this guest post would be elucidated on the quick start guide to iPhone app development.

    1. Why an iPhone app?

    Whenever you are planning to create an app, it is best to start off with a few questions in mind. At least these questions can lead you to the purpose for developing the app.
    The first step of creation of an iPhone app involves answering questions of 4 W’s and 1 H:
    1. Why you are planning to build the app?
    2. Who are the target audiences?
    3. What ingredients would you use for the development of the app?
    4. What is your deadline if you are planning the app for the client?
    It might seem to be a sheer waste of time, getting the answer to these questions. But they would prove to be useful in the long run.

    2. Finding the Right Target Audience for Your App

    Maybe your app would be setting a benchmark in certain fields, but it does not mean that it would be useful for everybody. So knowing the target audience is important in this instance. Unless there is some amount value proposition to your app no one is going to develop interest in it. Finding the right target audience is very important.

    3. What ingredients would you be needing and how

    After getting hold of the right target audience you would be catering to, you would be deciding about the components which would be creating your app. Firstly, decide on the features which would be present in your apps.
    To do this you have to follow certain steps which would be discussed in the following lines:
    • It is mandatory to define the features your application would support. The button mappings should be defined accordingly to your app. Mention what exactly each of the buttons would be doing.
    • Will it be a web application or a native one? This is one of the crucial questions which are faced by most of the iPhone Application developers while building the project. The native apps are the one which allows downloading applications which can access other apps such as the camera.
    • Think about the way you would marketing the app. How would you able to monetize the app? Selling the Apple store might be the best idea but the Apple store takes around 30% revenue from each sale.  So it is best to have a clear strategy about how you would be able to market your app.
    • Whenever you are making the application, testing is a crucial step even before you are launching the app.  It is mandatory for you to take the help of the beta testers to get rid of any kind of bugs which are present in the application system.

    4. When will you be able to begin the development?

    Whenever you are planning to develop an app it is best to make a development plan. This development schematic would help in taking the decision of what screen you would be using. You can create your development plan in a word document with a simple bullet point on it.  This document will be accountable for every step you would be taking for the creation of the app. You can initiate the app development only after you have outlined the schematic for it.

    Let the app creation begin!

    After everything is said and done, it’s time to create the app. The creation of the app follows several steps; the post would elucidate the steps through the following lines.
    a) The Choice Of The Templates
    The process of the app making starts with the development of the templates. For templates about an iPhone app you can always go for the online options. You will find sites which provide design resources which are appropriate for standard designs. You should be able to get hold of template documents for the Photoshop from the internet.
    Once you get hold of the right template documents, you can manipulate them. You can play with the colors as well as the design styles. But keep in mind that none of the templates should be resized as they come specifically with default standard sizes.
    b) XCode: The ideal way to develop the app
    XCode can be considered as the ideal development tool for the iOS and MAC OS X program. If you have a MAC OS Lion installed on your desktop or Mac book, you would be able to find XCode and the relevant packages absolutely free of cost at the Mac App store.
    After you are done with the installation, launch the application where a screen would be coming up to welcome you. Click on ‘create a new X-code project, to bring up the template window.
    Fig.1. the Template Window for XCode
    Below iOS> Application you will be able to locate ‘Single View Application’. After selecting the ‘Single View Application’, click on the next button.
    Fig. 2 The window to name your project
    Give your app a name such as ‘HelloWorld”. After christening your app, on the company identifier, give a name such as my company or put the name of your organisation. When everything has been done, pick a directory and hit the save button.
    This app maker would be creating a file directory and an open a window for you to work with. You should see a lot of file options listed in the window. You just have to pick and choose the right folder which is named after your application.
    With the new XCode 4.6, the users get the ability to design front end elements of the app. You can choose between xib/nib format options which are a standard with MAC OS X as well as iOS apps. This is required for the view of new page apps. If you have too many views for your app, the nib files can become a little too much for it. The ‘storyboard’ would help you with the peril in this case. This file would be able to hold all the nib views in a single editor pane.
    You will get across some files such as .h and .m in the same folder group. These are the acronym for header and implementation codes. They are the files where you would be able to write the Objective-C function as well as the variable which is required to run the app. The programs like C++, Java or C# runs fundamentally on MVC (Model View Controller) so it becomes mandatory for the developer to know about MVC.

    Designing through IOS 5 Storyboards

    The aforementioned part of the post focused on the ingredients which are required for the development of the app. Now it would be focusing on the interface. At the beginning of the project don’t forget to check on the storyboard option while creating the project.  You have to locate the single file on the left hand side of the pane namely MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard or MainStoryboard.storyboard file somewhere in the folder group.  Click the file to open the view.
    Fig. 3 the Storyboard Graphical Interface
    After clicking on the aforementioned folder, a new sidebar would appear on the right hand side of the folder group by the name of the Document Outline. The Document Outline acts as the preview method for checking all the available views on the storyboard. You will get hold of the document outline after clicking on the view controllers of the storyboard.
    Fig. 4 the view controller of the storyboard
    As the next step, you can add some page elements to your view controller. You will require 2 different elements namely the navigation bar and a Tab bar. Follow View > Utilities > Show Attributes Inspector and access the attribute inspector on the right hand side of the pane.  Find the Status bar label over there. The status bar would be providing you with the default colour which is known as the Inferred. But you can choose the colour option from the two other colours you have as a choice.

    The Use of the Object Library   

    To show the utility pane on the right side of the window, follow these steps- View > Utilities > Show Utilities. Look at the bottom of the objective pane. Drop down menu with the objects. You can get hold of the menu by following select View > Utilities > Show Object Library.
    Fig. 5 the ways to change the title of the navigation bar
    From the drop down menu of the objective bar, find and select windows & bar. By clicking on the navigation bar you would be able to view window and position it under the status bar. Now you would be able to customize the bar’s title description now. You can rename the title bar if you wish to. The title ‘Hello World’ is given in our case.
    Fig. 6 Adding the Tab bar
    After you are done with the renaming process, go back to Window’s and bar panel. Scroll down to find the tab bar. Drag it in the view window and place it in the bottom of the app. You would have the default app in front of you.
    Fig. 7 changing the colour of the navigation bar
    Now if you color your navigation bar similar to the status bar you can always click on the navigation bar and look at the attribute bar on the status window. The first option is called style which is set to Default. Through the style option you would be able change the colour option. Set the colours in a way by which it would be matching the colour sets.
    Fig. 8 Adding Extra tab bar item
    You can keep on adding tab buttons which are placed at the bottom. Scroll down to the tab bar item while moving your cursor to the Windows and bar panel. Drag it in the app window and place it in the middle of the 2 existing buttons. Double click on the button you have just created, and you would be getting some additional information on the utilities pane. This will help you to change the image and the title of the app.
    Now we would be getting on with the coding process of the apple iPhone.

    Coding the iPhone way

    In the project navigator on the left, you would be able get a hold of the “MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard” file or “MainStoryboard.storyboard” file. The editor area would be displaying the source code file.  After the file is being selected, the editor by itself changes into an interface builder and displays an empty view of the app.
    Fig. 9 selecting the .h file
    You will have the location of the object library in the lower part of the utility area. Now you would be able to drag-and-drop-UI controls into the view. You can select ‘Round Rect Button’ for your “Hello World Project” and drag it into the view panel. Place the button in the center of the window.
    Fig. 10 Drag and Drop Round Rect Button in view controller
    Double- Click and rename the button ‘Hello World’. Run the app again to find out an app named the “Hello World”.
    Fig. 11 Renaming the Button
    So now you have something which would look like this:
    Fig. 12 The Simulated view of Round App
    If you fail to come up with app, then coding becomes mandatory in this case. So you have to select the ‘HelloWorldViewController.h’ in the project navigator. Put the line of code before the “@end” line. It would look like this:
    Fig.13 the IB Action Message
    The code would be looking like this after editing:
    Fig. 14 The edited Code
    After choosing the ‘HelloWordViewController.m’, insert the following code before the @end line:
    Fig. 15 The code for Button Action 
    The complete code would be looking like this after editing.
    Fig. 16 the Completed Code for Hello World Button  

    Making the Hello World Button Alive

    Now it is time for you to link the Hello World button with the show message option. Select the “MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard” file or “MainStoryboard.storyboard” files which will help you to go back to the interface builder. Press control key to drag the “Hello World” button to the ‘HelloWorldViewController’.
    Fig. 17 Connect the button with the view controller to create a link
    After you release both buttons, a Pop-up would emerge the ‘Show-message’ action. You should be selecting between the button and the show message action.
    Fig. 18 Select the button action option pop-up window  

    Test it out

    You are more or less done with your app. Just hit the run button to find out that everything is working in order with the app in the simulator.
    Fig. 19 Final App with alert view
    Congratulations! You have your first app for the Apple iOS and you can call yourself an iPhone Application Developer officially. Practice with the aforementioned steps and someday you would be along with the big league of the Apple iOS Application developers.

    Infographics for Your Site

    Nothing seems to be hotter right now than the infographic.
    You can thank Pinterest for allowing us to share them all and startups like for helping designers everywhere create data stories with ease.
    How do you use the infographic trend on your website?

    What is an Infographic?

    Any visual representation of information is considered to be an infographic. They come in a variety of forms – data, text with images, even those popular memes.
    What’s great about infographics is that they provide a way to present information that is easy for the user. Without a lot of heavy reading, a person can potentially get a lot of information about a certain topic through a combination of text and visuals. What’s more is that infographics can be a fun way to present information.
    Infographics can be a great way to present information and combat the ever-decreasing attention spans of users. They are often sharable and can bring traffic back to your site when distributed over social media. No one can guess what will make a particular infographic popular but it is usually a combination of great information, search engine optimization, social media (and marketing) and visual interest.
    The caution that goes along with using infographics is time. Often many infographics only last for a short time before the “newness” and effectiveness wears off. They may need to be updated often as information or data changes.

    Making Infographics Work

    To really make the most of an infographic you need a couple of key components – content (data, numbers or quick facts), visual elements and interest.
    Creating an infographic can be about more though than just making an image that you will use to promote your site. You can use the trend to create a design for your site itself with a concept that focuses on big design.
    Think of styling your landing page with big information and charts. Consider breaking some of the traditional rules and add an extra typeface or color to create a page with high visual interest. Use white (or empty) space to your advantage to showcase your data visualization.
    When working with an infographic-styled web design, think about using the concept just for a landing page. Consider the scroll (and responsiveness). For an infographic to have the most impact it needs to be readable at a glance.

    5 Tips for Success

    Start with a great bit of information. What content do you have that people will love? A cool fact? Interesting numbers? Something totally odd or unusual?
    Figure out how to represent that information. What are they key facts you want to share?
    Gather great visuals. From photos to charts and graphics, the visuals are really what make an infographic work. Lacking great visual content? Opt for striking colors or fonts to create an artistic display for your information.
    Do your homework. Make sure your infographic is accurate and the content corresponds to your site. (You do want people to share and visit your site, right?) Be an authority on your topic. Use a voice and language that speaks with authority and in simple statements.
    Write tight and edit. Fewer words are better. But your infographic must be understandable. Edit your copy, let it rest for a little while and edit it again. Good, clean, simple copy is very important.

    Infographic Tools

    There are a couple of options for creating great infographics (and infographic-based design schemes) – you can draw everything from scratch, use a tool that creates a graphic for you or a combination of the two. Many designers like option No. 3. By using some ready-made tools, creating graphics is quicker and easier than drawing by hand, plus they have the control that automated tools don’t allow.
    Here are two great tools to get you started. This tool allows you to convert data into a visual form quickly and easily. The tool is used by agencies, brands and businesses to help create super-graphics in no time. The tools are sharp, easy to use and come packed with tools to help you share across a variety of social platforms. ( infographics are popular and gaining traction all the time; they can be found all over the web.) Infographics can also be embedded into your website. This tool, though, is not for building a site; it is a component piece that is promoted as a tool to drive traffic back to your site.
    Magnolia Elements Pack
    Magnolia Elements Pack: This data visualization element kit is packed with tools and is the perfect starting point for any designer who wants to build infographics or a site based on an infographic style of design. This set of elements includes more than 150 ready-to-use items – graphs, charts, diagrams, lines, table, shapes, icons, arrows and more – that can be further customized for almost any projects. The great part of this vector-based kit is that it works for everything. The tools work for creating simple stand-alone infographics or websites and the designer has complete control over how the final product looks – from colors to shapes to typefaces to size. All you need to make this work for you is a bit of inspiration and imagination!


    The infographic style is fun, trendy and informational. If your site contains data, numbers or even just a few facts, this style can be a great tool.
    Consider using an infographic to drive traffic or catch a user’s eye as a landing page.
    And don’t forget to try some of the cool tools out there. Not every infographic will be successful. Using tools to help you create infographics quickly is a great place to start so you don’t invest too much time in something that may have a short shelf life.
