Wednesday, October 23, 2013

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24 Cool PHP Libraries You Should Know About



1. Dispatch – Micro Framework

Dispatch is a minimal PHP framework. It doesn’t give you the full MVC setup, but you can define URL rules and methods to better organize your application. This is perfect for APIs, simple sites or prototypes:

2. Klein – Lightning fast router for PHP

Klein is another light weight routing library for PHP 5.3+. It has a bit more verbose syntax than Dispatch, but is quite fast.

3. Ham – Routing Library with Caching

Ham is also a lightweight routing framework but it utilizes caching for even more speed gains. It achieves this by caching anything I/O related in XCache/APC.

4. Assetic – Asset Management

Assetic is am asset management framework for PHP. It combines and minifies your CSS/JS assets.

5. ImageWorkshop – Image Manipulation with Layers

ImageWorkshop is an Open Source library that lets you manipulate images with layers. With it you can resize, crop, make thumbnails, add watermarks and more.

6. Snappy – Snapshot/PDF Library

Snappy is a PHP5 library that allows you to take snapshots or PDFs of URLs or HTML documents. It depends on the wkhtmltopdf binary, which is available on Linux, Windows and OSX.

7. Idiorm – Lightweight ORM Library

Idiorm is a personal favorite that I have used in tutorials in this site before. It is a lightweight ORM library and a fluent query builder for PHP5 that is built on top of PDO.

8. Underscore – PHP’s Utility Belt

Underscore is a port of the original Underscore.js – the utility belt for JavaScript applications. The PHP version doesn’t disappoint and has support for nearly all of the original’s functionality.

9. Requests – Easy HTTP Requests

Requests is a library that makes it easy to issue HTTP requests. If you are like me, and can never seem to remember the various options passed to Curl, this is for you:

10. Buzz – Simple HTTP Request Library

Buzz is another PHP library for issuing HTTP requests.

11. Goutte – Web Scraping Library

Goutte is a library for scraping websites and extracting data. It provides a nice API that makes it easy to select specific elements from the remote pages.

12. Carbon – DateTime Library

Carbon is a simple API extension for the DateTime. It enhances the class with some useful methods for working with dates and time.

13. Ubench – Micro Benchmarking Library

Ubench is a micro library for benchmarking your PHP code. It monitors execution time and memory usage.


14. Validation – Input Validation Engine

Validation claims to be the most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP.


15. Filterus – Filtering Library

Filterus is another filtering library, but it can not only validate, but also filter input to match a preset pattern.

16. Faker – Fake Data Generator

Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. It can come handy when you need to populate a test database or generate sample data for your web application.


17. Mustache.php – Elegant Templating Library

Mustache is a popular templating language that has implementations in practically every programming languages. This gives you the benefit that you can reuse your templates in both client and server side.

18. Gaufrette – File System Abstraction Layer

Gaufrette is a PHP5 library that provides a filesystem abstraction layer. It makes it possible to work with local files, FTP servers, Amazon S3 and more in the same way. This permits you to develop your application without having to know how you are going to access your files in the future.

19. Omnipay – Payment Processing Library

Omnipay is a payment processing library for PHP. It has a clear and consistent API and supports dozens of gateways. With this library, you only need to learn one API and work with a variety of payment processors.

20. Upload – For Handling File Uploads

Upload is a library that simplifies file uploading and validation. When a form is submitted, the library can check the type of file and size:

21. HTMLPurifier – HTML XSS Protection

HTMLPurifier (on github) is an HTML filtering library that protects your code from XSS attacks by using a combination of robust whitelists and agressive parsing. It also makes sure that the resulting markup is standards compliant.

22. ColorJizz-PHP – Color Manipulation Library

ColorJizz is a tiny library that can convert between different color formats and do simple color arithmetic.

23. PHP Geo – Geo Location Library

phpgeo is a simple library for calculating distances between geographic coordinates with high precision.

24. ShellWrap – Beautiful Shell Wrapper

ShellWrap is library that allows you to work with the powerful Linux/Unix command line tools in PHP through a beautiful syntax:
The library throws exceptions when an error occurs in the command, so you can act accordingly. It also can pipe the output of one command as the input of another for even greater flexibility.
